New novel in the works

I last published a novel, The Norseman’s Song, in 2010.

Since then, I’ve published a non-fiction book and a collection of poetry. The difficult third novel has been more than difficult, though.

There are a few reasons for that.

Life, for starters. Paying the bills and sharing parenting duties for three kids takes up a lot of time.

Then there’s speechwriting. I have to keep cranking out those puppies to feed the kids. Poetry, sadly, doesn’t pay.

Not to mention health. You see, I had a stroke in 2012, and that required rebuilding just about everything from the ground up.

Plus, I’ve thrown away a completed manuscript and a few unfinished manuscripts along the way.

But, a week ago, I finished a first draft of what will be my third novel. It’s still rough, but I’m not ashamed of it and I’m aiming to publish the think in the first half of 2021.

What’s it about?

A middle-aged white bloke facing a reckoning for his sins.

It’s not autobiographical.


Save My Soul


Peter Steele Lecture